How to install deluge and recommended settings

GUI-Install:Preferences->Plugins->Installplugin.Locatethedownloadedeggfileandselectit.ManualInstall:Copytheeggfileintotheplugins ...,2020年11月10日—DearForum,I'mrunningaDelugeplugin(v2.0.3)onmyTrueNASserverandI'mextremelyhappywithhoweverythingwor...。參考影片的文章的如下:



GUI-Install: Preferences -> Plugins -> Install plugin. Locate the downloaded egg file and select it. Manual Install: Copy the egg file into the plugins ...

Deluge manual plugin install

2020年11月10日 — Dear Forum, I'm running a Deluge plugin (v2.0.3) on my TrueNAS server and I'm extremely happy with how everything works!

Deluge plugin installation

Most plugins can't be installed via Deluge WebUI , they can be installed only via Deluge thin so we will use this option to install an additional plugin.

Deluge plugins

2021年4月4日 — I am running the latest deluge docker and i would like to add the plugin copy completed shown in Spaceinvader one video. When i add it, ...

installing plugins for Deluge

Click Preferences , then Plug-ins . Halfway down the dialog is a button named Install . Click on Browse to find and select the .egg file from your device. It ...


To install this plugin in deluge: go to edit, preferences, plugins, install plugin and select the .egg file. Version Info. Version 1.0.1. Fixed incorrect ...


2022年4月22日 — Preferences -> Plugins click Install plugin, locate the downloaded plugin egg and select it to install. Manually: Copy the plugin egg to the ...

[Guide] Install Deluge plugin and Deluge Remote Client to ...

2015年1月10日 — Go to and intall your prefered Deluge OS version. In this tutorial the setup is created on Ubuntu 14.04, but it's exactly the ...

[Solved] Unable to install plugins for Deluge container

2019年8月14日 — Don't install it through the GUI. Go to the plug-ins folder and place the egg there and then reboot the Deluge container.


GUI-Install:Preferences->Plugins->Installplugin.Locatethedownloadedeggfileandselectit.ManualInstall:Copytheeggfileintotheplugins ...,2020年11月10日—DearForum,I'mrunningaDelugeplugin(v2.0.3)onmyTrueNASserverandI'mextremelyhappywithhoweverythingworks!,Mostpluginscan'tbeinstalledviaDelugeWebUI,theycanbeinstalledonlyviaDelugethinsowewillusethisoptiontoinstallanadditionalplugin.,2021年4月4日—...